The FileAttachment
type is new to ServiceNow, but it’s a pain in the ass to use. When we use ATF with a required
, there’s no clear way in ATF to set a value for this field. If it’s required on a form, we need a way
to set it to we can carry on.
First, we should understand exactly how the attachments are stored and determine the filename for the particular field we are working with - more on that here
How are we going to do this?
We are going to use a server-side script run via ATF to set the value on our record. The process is:
Now, we know our table name (test_table
), and our field’s table name (ZZ_YYtest_table
). We also get our ATF test
step’s sys_id (to find the attachment from step 4 above).
Now all we need to do is write the script to do steps 5 & 6 above:
function copyAttachmentToGlideRecord(attachmentName, attachmentContentType, attachmentContentStream, targetGlideRecord) {
var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
var attachment = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
attachment.addQuery('file_name', attachmentName);
attachment.addQuery('content_type', attachmentContentType);
attachment.addQuery('table_sys_id', targetGlideRecord.getValue('sys_id'));
if ( {
return attachment;
throw ("Error adding attachment!");
(function(outputs, steps, stepResult, assertEqual) {
var createConceptStepSysId = 'ed3cf53fdb7050502c071f83059619d1'; // Step 8 - Submit a form
var thisStepSysId = 'ebfdf573dbb050502c071f8305961936';
var createConceptStep = steps(createConceptStepSysId);
var conceptSysId = createConceptStep.record_id;
var targetGlideRecord = new GlideRecord("test_table");
if (!targetGlideRecord.get(conceptSysId)) {
throw ("Cannot find record created by test with sys_id: " + conceptSysId);
var sourceAttachmentGlideRecord = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
if (!sourceAttachmentGlideRecord.get('table_sys_id', thisStepSysId)) {
throw ("You need to attach a file to this ATF test step and make sure the sys_id is correct: " + thisStepSysId);
var fileName = sourceAttachmentGlideRecord.getValue('file_name');
var contentType = sourceAttachmentGlideRecord.getValue('content_type');
var sourceAttachmentSysId = sourceAttachmentGlideRecord.getValue('sys_id');
var gsa = new GlideSysAttachment();
var attachment = copyAttachmentToGlideRecord(
gs.debug("Attachment created: " + attachment.getValue('sys_id'));
targetGlideRecord.setValue('design_document', attachment.getValue('sys_id'));
gs.debug("Value set successfully");
})(outputs, steps, stepResult, assertEqual);
There we go!