Now we have a site up and running with one page, and we want to add another page.
We do this by running:
hugo new development/sites/
This creates another page in our development
section, and we can go to the site to see both pages listed:
Our site is currently ordering the pages by publish date, which is the default order. Since we have a series of posts we are writing, we will use a “weight” in the front-matter section to order the posts. In order to make this happen, we need to do 2 things:
to the front-matter to each pageWe can see that each Hugo Markdown file has a front-matter
section with some metadata fenced by ---
in it, like this:
title: "Hugo Extend Theme"
date: 2019-11-13T09:32:40-05:00
draft: true
To add a weight, we simply add a key (this snippet is yaml) so it looks like this:
title: "Hugo Extend Theme"
date: 2019-11-13T09:32:40-05:00
draft: true
weight: 110
Importantly, we set the first page to have a weight of 100, and the second page to have a higher weight. Our page that we want listed before this one should look like:
title: "Hugo Static Site Generator QuickStart"
date: 2019-11-13T07:32:41-05:00
draft: true
weight: 100
Now, we need to extend our theme’s list.html
template to order the items by weight. To do this, first copy
the template from the theme into the layout directory:
mkdir layouts/_default
cp themes/kiera/layouts/_default/list.html layouts/_default/
If Hugo finds a layouts/_default/list.html
it will use that to override the one in the themes directory.
Note If you are using a different theme, change the directory name as needed.
Now, let’s look at the list template in layouts/_default/list.html
{{ define "main" }}
<section id="list">
{{ $baseurl := .Site.BaseURL }}
{{ if eq .Data.Singular "tag" }}
<h2>#{{ .Title | lower }}</h2>
{{ else }}
<h2>{{ .Title }}</h2>
{{ end }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ range (.Paginate (.Data.Pages.GroupByDate "2006")).PageGroups }}
<h3>{{ .Key }}</h3>
{{ range .Pages.ByWeight }}
<a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ if .Draft }}{{ T "draft" }}: {{end}}{{ .Title | markdownify }}</a>
<time class="date-meta">{{ .Date.Format "Jan 2" }}</time>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "_internal/pagination.html" . }}
{{ end }}
The part we are interested in changing is:
{{ range .Pages }}
The default is to order by date, but if we want to order by weight we can change it to:
{{ range .Pages.ByWeight }}
If we want to sort by a different field, all the information is here on the Hugo site:
In this post, we saw how to add a weight to order pages, and how to extend a theme to override a template file.